Sunday, June 23, 2024

Alliance Tournament XX Announced


CCP Games announced yesterday (June 22, 2024) that the Alliance Tournament for EVE Online will be running this year and it so happens that it will be the 20th Alliance Tournament in EVE Online history.

I'm really looking forward to watching it and seeing how Pandemic Horde does this year, but even more so I just want to watch some brawls and crazy fights.

I watched the last AT and it was a lot of fun and I got to see ships I don't normally ever see out in space (with all of the ships in the game I only ever see a small fraction of them).

Here is the official announcement on the EVE site:

From looking at the key dates, I'm happy to know it doesn't conflict with anything else that I would be watching, namely the Dota 2 International.

Wondering if we will get some new winners this year or will Fraternity hold onto their title from previous AT?


Monday, June 17, 2024

Twitch Drops


EVE Online has had Twitch drop integration for some time now and every campaign CCP Games has run for us has had a multitude of goodies. That seems to have changed with the recent release of Equinox expansion.

The past two drop campaigns after Equinox has resulted in only 1 item drop per campaign, the first being related to the new ship SKINR feature and the other a Halcyon booster.

I don't know if CCP Games is planning to continue these one drop campaigns or will have more than one drops in a campaign in the future again. I would like to see them doing ship skins again.

Also I don't know if they would want to do this, but I feel like having a skill points drop would make a lot of players happy and draw a lot of attention to Twitch streams I think.

Just playing around with numbers, but maybe something like this:

  • 50,000 skill points for 2 hours watch time
  • 100,000 skill points for 4 hours watch time
  • 200,000 skill points for 4 hours watch time

Those are just some suggestions I feel would entice more eyes onto the EVE Online directory, but CCP Games could come up with their own numbers they feel would be best if they ever do decide to maybe include skill points as a drop in the future (CCPLEASE).


Thursday, June 13, 2024

Personal Updates Log: June 13, 2024 (YC126)


Good day everyone. It's been a few days since my last blog post and I just wanted to share some personal updates of mine, including a non-personal update regarding EVE Online at the very end (you will understand why I decided to include it).


CCP Games was nice enough to give us a generous 7 days of free Omega with the launch of the Equinox expansion on the 11th and, of course, I took advantage of it by piling on a ton of alpha skills into my skill queue to add up to around roughly 7 days when Omega was activated to get maximum efficiency from it.


Alongside the generous 7 days of free Omega, CCP Games also had a drop campaign on Twitch in which you would get a Holovisual Violet (matte), which is essentially a paint color for the new in-game ship skinner (SKINR). I don't have any plans of using this feature (it is quite expensive to do anything with it right now), so I just sold my paint at Jita for 20,000,000 ISK.

With Equinox, login rewards are gone but there is a temporary login campaign just for the expansion and one of the redeems was a Sequence Binder Welcome Package. Once again having to do with the new SKINR feature which I won't be using for awhile I decided to sell it at Jita and sold it for 25,000,000 ISK.

With the drop and login reward goodie I had a nice little injection of ISK into my finances.


There is still an issue of lots of EVE referral spammers in the default NPC corporations and I was blocking quite a few constantly during the days. Also there was starting to get a lot of weird people chatting in the SWA (State War Academy) corporation.

Instead of having to deal with that and blocking people constantly, I ended up applying and joining into Pandemic Horde's high-sec division corporation which bases out of Airaken.

No more referral link spammers and no more weirdo chatters.

Also I've been in a mining mood lately so I've just been semi-afk mining in Airaken and getting paid for it double through corporation projects.


This isn't personal to me, but as I mentioned at the start of this post I felt this deserved a part in my post due to it's nature.

It was announced from the person who runs and maintains the public version of Tripwire, a signature mapping tool for EVE Online, will be shutting it down on June 30th due to real life issues.

I have never used Tripwire, but it is sad to see another great service to the EVE Online community being lost. The last major one that had shut down (from what I remember and know) was Evepraisal, a tool used to calculate prices of items (which I did use a lot, but Janice has one running as well).

Luckily for people that use Tripwire it's remaining open sourced and available for people to use to host and run their own Tripwires so hopefully another person in the community could pick up the torch and keep carrying it.

As I said I never used Tripwire, but I just want to say thank you to Daimian Mercer for your service in providing this tool to the EVE Online community and I wish you best of luck with dealing with your real life issues and I hope everything turns out ok.


Monday, June 10, 2024

A Quick Night Trip Through Thera


After running level 1 security missions and doing some level 2 security missions, level 2 distribution missions and flying around blitzing some Guristas Hideaways (for commander spawn) I decided last night to take a quick night trip through Thera for some exploration.

I fit up a Heron and following the EvE-Scout Wormhole Connections site I proceeded to one of the closest, and relatively safer, routes from Jita to a Thera connection.

Entering Thera I went for the first nullsec region being listed on the EvE-Scout site and found myself then in the Syndicate region. From there I just flew around a few jumps around where the wormhole connection was and managed to find myself a few relic and data sites, some of which were already cherry picked so I ended up just finishing them up so the sites can respawn.

I'm not exactly sure how long I was out there, but it had to have been around 30-40 minutes. I did start getting quite sleepy at the time so I figured I would head back to Thera and get back to Jita.

Managed to safely make it back to Thera after just almost getting caught by 2 people who were just setting up a gate camp and they bubbled after I had landed 0 on the gate on my route back.

After making it back to Jita I set up a few orders for the most expensive stuff I looted and just immediate sold most of the rest of stuff. Paid off my fitted Heron like 20 times over with that.

Overall I had a fun time doing a quick night trip through Thera.


Sunday, June 9, 2024

Career Agents


I haven't run the career agents for quite some time and the last time I remember running them was before one of the updates to them as part of the new player experience.

I figured I would run them again yesterday for a change of pace and damn did I forget how good doing them is absolutely amazing. I ended up with about 10,000,000 ISK at the end (give or take some) plus a ton of stuff that I had to trash (mainly the civilian stuff) and other things I could just haul over to Jita and sell.

After completing all the career agents I decided to haul most everything over to Jita. I ended up selling most of the ships gained throughout the entirety right there in station and what I could move I moved to Jita and sold there.

All things said and done I ended up with close to another few million ISK after selling everything I could. Also did end up getting a lucky random drop from one of the NPC ships during one of the missions that gave me a Guristas Copper Tag which I ended up selling for an additional 1,300,000 ISK.

With all that, I definitely recommend any new player (or hell even returning players) run their respective career agents. You won't regret it and you will get a nice boost to your start.


Saturday, June 8, 2024

Welcome to My Blog!


Oh why hello there, fellow capsuleer and/or traveler! The name is Zelroth Darkmore and welcome to my entirely EVE Online orientated blog.

I will be using this blog as a means to record and share my own adventures across New Eden as well as just general EVE Online stuff.

Plenty of room on this ship so come aboard and travel with me for awhile!
